Youth Work & Schools Collaborative: Joint Planning and Evaluation

This event will explore evaluation of youth work and school partnerships. We will provide an overview of the Youth Work Outcomes and Skills Framework and how it can support joint planning and evaluation with schools.

Alongside schools, youth work improves the health and wellbeing, readiness to learn and educational outcomes for children and young people. It plays an important role in the collective approach to closing the poverty-related attainment gap.

Strategic national guidance to support the Scottish Attainment Challenge encourages partnership working and collaboration at all levels of the education system and with local and third sector partners. It also requires local authorities and schools to understand what progress is being made towards improving outcomes for children and young people impacted by poverty.

This Youth Work and Schools Collaborative event will explore how the National Youth Work Outcomes and Skills Framework provides a common language to understand the impact of youth work and support effective collaborative working between the youth work sector and the formal education sector to meet the needs of young people affected by poverty and other inequalities. We will highlight how the framework supports young people, particularly those facing barriers to learning, to feel confident to articulate the skills they are developing through a range of learning experiences and ways it can support joint planning and evaluation with schools.